NXTway-GS(a two wheeled self-balancing robot) C API
NXTway (a two wheeled self-balancing robot) is a challengeable applications using the NXT. The most difficult thing is, of course, "How to balance the robot" and it requires complex mathematical equations and the knowledge of physics/control theory. However, in this sample, you can make a NXTway with a HiTechnic Gyro Sensor without deep knowledge about these difficult stuff. What you need to do is: building a robot with the instructions and using NXTway-GS C API. Furthermore, NXTway-GS sample can be used as the driving base of further NXTway based robot applications.
The new version of NXTway-GS is easier to build, required less parts, more rigid compared to the previous version, and supports several variations. NXTway-GS supports the following variations.
- RCX motorcycle tires or NXT standard tires
- Narrow or wide tread
NXTway-GS with the motorcycle tires is more robust, faster, quicker response and looks nicer! however the motorcycle tires are not included in a NXT retail set.
NXTway-GS C API has simple API structure (a control function and an initialize function). The control function (balance_control) has to be invoked every 4msec and the initialize function (balance_init) initializes internal state variables to reset the balance control functionality.
These C functions are not hand coded, but designed as a Simulink model and a C/C++ code generator which is called Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder automatically generated those C functions. If you were a Simulink user, you could download the original model from The MathWorks File Exchange site. The model also includes a PDF document and it is valuable to understand the control theory (servo control: state + integral feedback) used in this API. NXTway-GS C API is provided as a C library and source code is stored in nxtOSEK\ecrobot\nxtway_gs_balancer directory. The Simulink model which is the design source of these C API is also stored as html files (Web browser must be SVG-compatible). To use NXTway-GS C API, you need to include balancer.h header file in the source code.
controls the robot being balanced. This API has to be invoked every 4msec and designed for the robot which is built with the building instructions.
Gyro Sensor offset value may be varied depending on a product and it has drift while it's turned on, so these things need to be considered. Left & right motor revolutions may be different even if a same PWM output is given, in this case, user needs to add some motor revolution compensator.
Parameters: args_cmd_forward: robot control command to move forward/backward. 100.0F(max. forward speed)to -100.0F (max. backward speed) args_cmd_turn: robot control command to turn right/left. 100.0F(max. right turn speed) to-100.0F (max. left turn speed) args_gyro: HiTechnic Gyro Sensor raw data to measure the robot body pitch rate args_gyro_offset: HiTechnic Gyro Sensor raw data when the robot body pitch rate is 0 args_theta_m_l: Left wheel motor count raw data args_theta_m_r: Right wheel motor count raw data args_battery: battery voltage in mV Returns: ret_pwm_l: Left wheel motor PWM output ret_pwm_r: Right wheel motor PWM output
initializes internal state variables. This API resets the balance control functionality. To use this function, left & right wheel motors count also need to be 0 reset.
Parameters: none Returns:
Sample program:
NXTway-GS sample program is hand coded and you can control the robot via Bluetooth R/C using a PC HID GamePad with analog inputs. This sample program is assumed to be used with NXT GamePad utility software in PC. An Ultrasonic(Sonar) Sensor is used to detect obstacles and while the robot is approaching to an obstacle within 25cm, the robot moves backward to avoid the obstacle regardless of the R/C control inputs.
By default, the sample program is configured for NXTway-GS with RCX Motorcycle tires and it supports both of narrow and wide tread. When NXT standard tires are used, it needs to add a compile macro (NXT_STD_TIRE) to USER_DEF macro definition in user Makefile (In the below sample Makefile, USER_DEF macro definition is commented out). Performance of NXTway-GS balance control is also determined by control parameters which are defined in balancer_param.c file. These parameters are optimised for NXTway-GS robots which are built with the building instructions, however, you may be able to tune up the robot by changing the parameters.
# Target specific macros
# nxtway_gs_balancer library desiged for NXTway-GS two wheeled self-balancing robot
USER_INC_PATH = $(NXTOSEK_ROOT)/ecrobot/nxtway_gs_balancer
USER_LIB = nxtway_gs_balancer
# using NXT standard tires (not Motorcycle tires) #USER_DEF = NXT_STD_TIRE<-This macro has to be enabled for NXT standard tires
# User application source
balancer_param.c \
/* NXT motor port configuration */ #define PORT_MOTOR_R NXT_PORT_B #define PORT_MOTOR_L NXT_PORT_C /* NXT sensor port configuration */ #define PORT_SONAR NXT_PORT_S2 #define PORT_GYRO NXT_PORT_S4 /* NXT Bluetooth configuration */ #define BT_PASS_KEY "1234"<-Bluetooth pass key which needs to be set in PC #endif
** FILE NAME : nxtway_gs_main.c
** ABSTRUCT : NXTway-GS (with a HiTechnic Gyro Sensor)
** Two wheeled self-balancing R/C robot controlled via Bluetooth.
**/ #include "kernel.h" #include "kernel_id.h" #include "ecrobot_interface.h"
#include "balancer.h" /* NXTway-GS C API header file */ <-This header file has to be included #include "nxt_config.h"
switch(nxtway_gs_mode){ case(INIT_MODE):
gyro_offset = 0;
avg_cnt = 0; for (i = 0; i < BT_RCV_BUF_SIZE; i++){
bt_receive_buf[i] = 0;
balance_init(); /* NXTway-GS C API initialize function */<-Call balance init function
nxt_motor_set_count(PORT_MOTOR_L, 0); /* reset left motor count */
nxt_motor_set_count(PORT_MOTOR_R, 0); /* reset right motor count */
cal_start_time = ecrobot_get_systick_ms();
nxtway_gs_mode = CAL_MODE; break;
case(CONTROL_MODE): /*
* R/C command from NXT GamePad
* buf[0]: -100(forward max.) to 100(backward max.)
* buf[1]: -100(turn left max.) to 100(turn right max.)
*/ (void)ecrobot_read_bt_packet(bt_receive_buf, BT_RCV_BUF_SIZE);
cmd_forward = -(S8)bt_receive_buf[0]; /* reverse the direction */
cmd_turn = (S8)bt_receive_buf[1]; if (obstacle_flag == 1){ /* make NXTway-GS move backward to avoid obstacle */
cmd_forward = -100;
cmd_turn = 0;
/* NXTway-GS C API balance control function (has to be invoked in 4msec period) */ balance_control(<-Call balance control function
&pwm_r); nxt_motor_set_speed(PORT_MOTOR_L, pwm_l, 1);
nxt_motor_set_speed(PORT_MOTOR_R, pwm_r, 1);
ecrobot_bt_data_logger(cmd_forward, cmd_turn); /* Bluetooth data logger */ break;
/******************************** END OF FILE ********************************/
** FILE NAME : balancer_param.c
** ABSTRUCT : NXTway-GS balance control parameters
** NOTE: These parameters definitely affect the balance control of NXTway-GS.
**/ #include "ecrobot_interface.h"
F32 A_D = 0.8F; /* low pass filter gain for motors average count */
F32 A_R = 0.996F; /* low pass filter gain for motors target count */
* NOTE: When NXT standard tires are used for NXTway-GS, a compiler macro (NXT_STD_TIRE)
* has to be added to USER_DEF macro definition in user Makefile
*/ #ifdef NXT_STD_TIRE /* state feedback gain for NXT standard tire */ F32 K_F[4] = {-0.834434F, -38.1749F, -1.0985F, -3.55477F}; #else /* state feedback gain for RCX Motorcycle tire */ F32 K_F[4] = {-0.870303F, -31.9978F, -1.1566F, -2.78873F}; #endif
F32 K_I = -0.44721F; /* servo control integral gain */
F32 K_PHIDOT = 25.0F; /* turn target speed gain */
F32 K_THETADOT = 7.5F; /* forward target speed gain */
constF32 BATTERY_GAIN = 0.001089F; /* battery voltage gain for motor PWM outputs */ constF32 BATTERY_OFFSET = 0.625F;/* battery voltage offset for motor PWM outputs */
/******************************** END OF FILE ********************************/